Friday, July 28, 2006


Five finger discount

I do not personally ride a bike. Too much work. I also like my AC on the PT if ya knows whats I mean, but this does not mean that plenty of people dont ride a bike around the city and with riding a bike comes bike theft. I'm sure anyone who uses a bike as a major part of their transportation has lost at least one bike to theft. I've stolen at least ten for fun and I imagine others do too which means that it is true. These two guys show just how easy it is too steal a bike in New York but more importanly show how easy it is to piss off a news caster. Enjoy.

doesnt always strike you as so odd that someone would have the balls to steal a bike in broad daylight? and yet it happens all the time. are there any good samaritans left in this shithole we call earth?
That video is great. I love when the guy says "this is just tomato ketchup" in an attempt to calm the idiot reporter.
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