Monday, July 24, 2006


I'm back baby!

I have finally returned from a weeks worth of vacation of visiting "cathedrals of the game", otherwise known as baseball stadiums. That's right nerd-a-lingers I spent a week traveling around going to various stadiums taking in the sights, sounds, and culture that each city had to offer. This basically means I drank a lot of beer in every city and made fun of the way the locals looked, sounded, and dipped their fries into mayo. Freaks. I would post some photos but I only used my phone and it only contains naked pictures of me in a whirl pool. (To view those please visit: I don't want to write a monster post here so all I will say is that it was definitely 87' Hetfield (to those not in the know, that means f'ing awesome)

nerd-a-lingers? what the f is a nerd-a-linger???
There was actually a simpsons episode where Homer was watching a movie like animal house. When a nerd and a jock were setting off a bra bomb the joc said to the nerd, "This better work nerd-a-linger". It has stuck with me since.
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