Wednesday, August 02, 2006

Yesterday was a monumental moment in parrot head history. Well, maybe not every parrot head but one important one: my girlfriend. Thats right nerdlingers, we went to see Jimmy Buffet at the Tweeter center. As a non-fan of Mr. Buffet I must say it was actually a very fun concert. Especially since we didnt even think we were gonig to get in.
We had planned on going over to Camden with some booze and just sitting outside and listening to the show. Its better than sitting home right? We figured scalped tickets would cost us a furtune but we were wrong. Turns out if you try and buy a ticket 10 minutes before the show scalpers are a little desperate to get rid of them. And desperate he was. We explained how we only had $80 to spend on the seats. This for some reason does not make a scalper very happy. Especially when he only has one cheap lawn seat left, which costs $36 and all of the rest are $126 orchestra seating. What is a scalper to do? He gives you both for a whopping $80. Booya! So we go on the lawn and we're talking about what a deal we just got because I thought we bought a $36 and $26 seat. Since my gf is a the buffet fan I told her that she should go and sit in the good seat for awhile and I would stay on the lawn (I'm a great guy, I know. No need to comment on it). So after only a song she comes back. Turns out theres plenty of room in that row. Thanks to the magic ticket I got to hear cheese burger in paradise about 50ft away from Buffet. Its too bad I dont like him. But that wasn't important, she had a great time and thats all that mattered... that and now she owes me her soul muhahahaha. (I eat souls if you didnt know)