Tuesday, August 01, 2006


The Anti-Semite doesn't fall far from the tree

As everyone must know by now Mr. Passion of the Christ himself, Mel Gibson, was pulled over recently while drinking and driving. Now that could be bad enough but since he is a hollywood star no one would give a shit about it, he was in lethal weapon for christ sakes, except he happened to say something most people already knew by watching Passion for the Chrst and listening to his fathers views: he does not like the Jews. In fact when he was being arrested he repeatedly asked the arresting officer if he was a Jew. This is a lesson to all, the truth comes out when your drunk. It is also being reported he was dressed in drag and a tranny was riding shotgun. Did I mention he was shooting up heroin while driving too? Well he might not have done those last three but he might as well have been because he's gonig to be ruined.

On a totally unrelated topic the Phillies own, and one of the few shining stars, Chase Utley, has a certain streak going on. I dont want to say exactly what kind of streak as not to jink him. But I will say the number of things for this streak is 15+17 at the moment which is second in Phillies history. Hopefully Chase can go for another 6 and tie up J-Ro or even better yet surpass it. It would be possibly the only reason to watch the Fightin's besides Ryan "Ron" Howard hittin some bombs.

Nice photoshopping....hilarious
He kind of resembles Saddam in that picture. Not brutal dictator Sadaam but the I've given up on life since my capture Sadaam.
i didnt think it was possible, but nick nolte actually looks normal next to mel.
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