Tuesday, August 08, 2006


Twiddle your thumbs and look busy

It is nine o'clock in the morning. I am sitting at my trusty desk listening to my trusty Sirius radio writing in my my not so trusty blog. I dont know what it is but I just dont trust this bitch. Anyway. As I am sitting here I realized: I dont feel like doing anything. Honestly I dont even know why I am writing this blog. I could literally just stare into the void and be in total bliss. And I'm not talking about Ms. Bliss from saved by the bell... although wouldn't mind totally being in Bliss if ya knows whats I mean. Buh Dum Bum. To procrastinate just a little more, here is a list of things to do instead of work:

5. Surf the internet
This is like me telling you that you need to breath to live. Everyone does a little surfing at work on down time. And if you say you dont then you are a Chester the child molester.

4. Blog
If you have ever wondered why whenever I write a blog its total crap, the reason for it is I am bored and dont feel like working. Its not that I have anything important on my mind, Lord knows theres not much activity gonig on it there. It is a nice little time killer and I get to put words together! skim swim dim limb shimshalabim!

3. Read the paper
When I really dont feel like working but I cant procrastinate due to too much heat from peeps I read the paper. "But if the man is raining down upon you how can you read the paper?" Well thats where the trick comes into play. Ladies and children you may not want to read this part in fear of knowing something about me you didnt want to know. Or maybe its something your dieing to know? The best way to read the paper is to go to the bathroom. Dont have to go? Oh well. Try. And while your trying read the paper. It is the reason your in there.

2. Take a lap
Nothing beats taking a lap around the office and talking with your coworkers. You get to stretch your legs and make mindless chatter with others. Its a win win situation.

1. Going out of the building
Need to run to the drugstore? Feel like getting a water ice? Have a dream of running a triathalon? NO? So what? Lets just go to get out of the office for a minute. I usully make people go on these little adventures with me and they never say no. Trust me, its not because of my charm or Hygiene. I literally force one of my coworkers to get a water ice with me every other day. Just yesterday myself and Tone Loc went to tower for like 30 minutes at three in the afternoon. Is that procrastinating or just being a badass mofo? Dont answer that.

Now imagine the time you spend on 1 through 4 and add it to number 5 and you've got my day.

Do you have any idea what that much internet surfing does do a guy? Well, I'm a living example.
I believe that was an improper use of the word "myself." You're fired.
OT: I'm feeling great about Hamels right now. It looks like he's settling in well. He and Utley are quickly becoming the backbone of this team. We could be scary two or three years from now, and that's cool to think about.
saw Tone Loc posted on another blog I read and loved the name, so I came and checked out the blog. I invite you to come check mine out as well and maybe we could link each other. Let me know...



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