Tuesday, September 26, 2006


Two for Tuesday

Homeless World Cup Soccer
This is awesome. I read about it in yesterday's Metro. The lead is great. The image that first went through my head was even better. In all seriousness though, soccer could solve alot of the world's problems. When the Non-Homeless World Cup took place this summer in Germany, most of the world (save the US, Canada and any country ending in -stan) stopped to watch. Wars in Africa were halted so that people could cheer on their home nations. And after watching the real US team compete this summer, I'm certain the Homeless US squad could take them easily.

Clinton tried to kill Bin Laden, found Lewinsky instead
I'm sure Billy tried hard, but like this current administration, he failed to spot a 7 feet 5 inch, camoflauge vest-wearing, Arab holding a microphone with a limp hand. Clinton, during a conservative FOX interview last week, let the assface interviewer know he came closer to catching OBL than anyone else, including Dubya. Close but no cigar. Get it? The cigar reference? I crack myself up.

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