Friday, October 06, 2006


Is it wrong...

that I wanted the mother of the screaming child on the train today to punch her kid? I'm awful at estimating ages. I once thought a seven-year-old was three. Is that weird? But this little bastard today was probably three to five years old, and he had the most annoying scream in the history of western civilization.

Now as painfully loud as he was, I didn't really want mom to hit her son. The problem was she repeatedly said "no" to him. And after every "no" came a cry, or a sound like this. Everyone on the train had to be thinking what I was thinking- either stop saying no or kick your kid out the door. You're making my morning commute on this ugly day even more unenjoyable.

The real soultion is to leave the kid home alone. Seriously, it's not a big deal. A five-year-old boy can take care of himself. What could possibly happen? Just remember to remove all electrical appliances from the bathroom and he'll be fine.

I can't wait to be a father. Only seven more months!

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