Wednesday, October 04, 2006


Time to get Lost

Wednesday nights are whole again. The season premiere of Lost airs tonight on ABC and Tone Loc will be watching. I feel like a nerd because I love this show so much. But so does most of the world so I'm not alone in my nerdiness.

I'm a sucker for conspiracy theories. Therefore, my entire life revolves around proving Arlen Specter's single-bullet theory is way off, and finding out why Oceanic Flight 815 crashed on that island. Now I try not to pay attention to all the leaks on the internet but from what I hear, this season will reveal the back stories of the Others. I'm psyched. Hopefully, the premiere won't disappoint.

One thing is certain, it sure beats watching Greys Anatomy. That show needs to stop. Yea I said it.

Lost is driving my to insanity.
Id rather watch Greys Anatomy than desperate Housewives. How did a soap opera land in prime time? Lost rocked last night by the way.
Desperate Housewives is garbage. Grey's Anatomy is slightly better than garbage.
Both shows are pretty awful. However, while Grey's may be a slighlty better show, it is lacking one thing: eva longorio. She's a bad mother shut yo mouth.
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