Thursday, November 09, 2006


They come in three

i just read the post by i-cog about the sad news of Ed bradley, aka the gentle giant apparently, passing away. Ed Bradley was a famous guy and as we all know when someone famous passes away it comes in waves of three. it could be an obscure celebrity but tomorrow we'll hear about the guy who worked big birds puppet strings OD'ed on heroin last night. honestly though, who is it going to be? here are my predictions of the next two washed up actors/actresses to bite the bullet in the next week.

Jared from the subway commercials.
no, it wont be from health issues, it will be from being punched in the face everyday for two years from being in those lame commercials. NEWSPAPER HEADLINE: former fatso formerly alive.

the naked gay guy from the first survivor.
i believe he is doing some time in prison for not paying taxes on his game show winnings. idiot. he is the real winner now though because he can get it in the pooper all day and night. i predict he will be beaten to deth by prison guards for not putting clothes on.

screech powers.
this guy is just a sad exscuse for a former saved by the bell mega star. oh how the mighty have fallen. i predict he will be murdered by a jealous lisa turtle after giving another woman a dirty sanchez on film. its her favorite

tone loc.
a very, very, very, very, very, very, very mild celebrity by all standards of the word but still, he was on lasalle tv... or some other shitty college channel, on the newspaper and looks like a mini version of head of PR. cause i like ya tone, i predict you will die in a naked woman avalanche. NEWSPAPER HEADLINE: happiest man to ever die in the history of the world!

Of course my predictions may or may not come true, i'm not nostrodomus you assholes, but its still fun to guess who will round out the other two dead celebrities. if you have any suggestions, feel free to list em.

Ok, I still have yet to see your Sweaty Old Man Balls post. Don't ever plug your blog on our blog. Perv.
go to the July archive, its called "excuse me can I borrow your blow drier."
You know you've made it when you're mentioned in the same category with Jared Fogle, Dustin Diamond and Richard Hatch.
R&B singer Gerald Levert just died today.

You are clearly on to something here.
this post was fucking hilarious
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