Monday, January 08, 2007


Memo to those who carry beach umbrellas in the rain

You all almost killed me and many other people this morning. Either get a smaller umbrella or find a piece of clothing with a hood. You're going to take someone's eye out if you continue to carry that thing around with no regard.

By the way, it's just rain. It won't kill you.

Unless it's acid rain. Then you're fucked.

I hate those people, they should be demoted to a deserted island where it rains all the time
i am actually now one of those people. i use to hate them but man, those things keep you dry.
even more annoying are the people who use umbrellas as an opportunity to say "i like animal prints because somewhere deep in side, i'm a wild woman"
Haha, don't forget about the designer umbrellas...umm, excuse me I paid $200 for this umbrella that will be destroyed in a big gust of wind. But it's a Coach!
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