Monday, June 25, 2007


Whiskey- the Audible Killer

So this weekend I picked up an acquaintance of mine from a bar on the way to a party and said acquaintance was, shall we say, a little riled up. As in, on the way from the car to the party, she was telling a story at such a volume that we had to stop outside the party to complete it, at which point one of my work colleagues arriving at the party tried to slip past us into the house unnoticed because, and I quote "it looked like she was giving you the business."

Anyway, the next day I asked the aforementioned acquaintance what she had ordered at the bar and she said "it was called a 'Lynchburg Lemonade'- it had triple sec, vodka and....I think Jack Daniels?" And suddenly it all made sense.

So this experience got me thinking about a good story from my (legendary) college days that gives some insight into the auditory power of my good friend whiskey:

Sophomore year, in the dead of freezing Massachusetts winter, me and two of my buddies developed a habit once or twice a week of buying a bottle of Jim Beam and never leaving the dorm that night, instead loudly arguing late into the night about absolutely nothing and blacking out. Example: After one such night, I was in class the next morning (ok, the next afternoon) with a girl that lived at the far end of the hall and she says to me, flatly: "wow, you guys sure disagree about Jay-Z." To which I replied "huh?" and found out that we spent the hour and a half between 1 and 2:30 arguing about Jay-Z loudly enough that the entire dorm heard. Now I don't have a particular problem arguing about something at extreme volume for an hour and a half, and I know my two buddies certainly didn't, but I also know that I don't have any great feeling one way or the other about Jay-Z- so I thought I would run a little experiment and asked both of my friends the next day what they thought about Jay-Z. Appropriate responses given the circumstances would have included:

a) I adore Jay-Z and fully support his self-proclaimed status as "best rapper alive"
b) I hate Jay-Z, and consider him more overrated than Saddam Hussein's capacity to produce and distribute weapons of mass destruction (which was very topical at the time)
c) hey jackass, we spent two hours last night debating Jay-Z, what a dumb effing question

Naturally, the identical response I got from both of them was: "(shrug), he's allright."

Apparently, whiskey makes people feisty.

Seacrest out.

speaking of arguing, have you seen that steve phillips point counterpoint segment on sportscenter? it's two steve phillips' debating. Two debating steve phillips'.wild and wacky stuff.
This post has made my day. I wish I could've been a part of your (legendary) college days to witness these weekly debacles.
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