Tuesday, July 24, 2007


Nice to mole you, er, meet you

Just about everyday after work I do the same routine. Go to the gym, come home, eat massive amount of food, let massive amount of said food settle in my wasteland called a stomach, run on the treadmill for a little bit, shower, relax, and sleep. Sometimes I'll throw in some other stuff like look at porn or hit the heavy bag but that's my basic routine. Not tonight though. I come home, eat, decide to lay in my room for a little bit wishing there was some concert I was going to before running. Instead at 8:30 I fell asleep and didn't wake up till 11:45. And you know what? It felt great. So great I felt like blogging about it.

On another note: I saw the Police at Citizens Bank Park last Thursday. Despite my sister and I only being able to name about 7 songs before the concert started, it rocked. We both turned out to know more then 7 songs. More like all but 3. All in all and pretty good time.

More entertaining then the actual concert were the people there watching it. We had fanny pack, who had everything imaginable inside of that thing. Someone needed scissors? He had 'em. Band aid? Bingo. 3 foot tall bong? Surprisingly yes!

My favorite were the 2 Asian couples in front of us though. Some how through the concert their seating arrangement had changed and the women sat on one side and the guys on the other. Well this gave the one broad an opportunity to show her dance moves to the kid next to her. She kept doing this weird sway thing where she would rub against him. This kid had zero interest in punky bruster 07' though. We laughed.

She wasn't the worst of the two though. Her friend had a giant mole on her arm. Like a 4" diameter. This isn't too bad I suppose except it also had 4" long hairs coming out of it. And I don't mean like 4 or 5 or even 20, it was like it had a head of hair! I think when she got ready to go out that night she actually parted it to one side. I wish my sisters pic she took with her phone came out better but unfortunately, it didn't. Just take my word, it made my balls shiver.

Well, I'm drinking some chocolate milk with a spoon and heading to bed.

"don't stand..don't stand...don't stand so close to me..."
its funny you say that because my sister was singing that to her mole during that song.
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